Redux Store Structure

As a part of a larger store


State Objects






The config object includes props relevant to the styling of the components. There is one action that can be used to set different props. The goal/value-add of this is that it coordinates settings between different child components from different packages. For example, it coordinates the syntax theme across react-syntax-highlighter/SyntaxHighlighter, react-json-view/ReactJson, and react-ace/AceEditor.


There is one action:

function setConfig(key, value) {...}

Here, key is a particular key to be used to set the config object while value is the value to be set.

  • reactJsonView.*. Set an option in react-json-view.
    • Full set of props. docs
    • Example. setConfig('reactJsonView.iconStyle', 'triangle')
  • reactSyntaxHighlighter.* Set an option in react-syntax-highlighter.
    • Full set of props. docs
    • Example. setConfig('reactSyntaxHighlighter.wrapLines', false)
  • reactAce.* Set an option in react-ace.
    • Full set of props. docs
    • Example. setConfig('reactAce.showGutter', false)
  • tabSize. Set the tabs across all components.
    • Values. A positive integer.
    • Example. setConfig('tabSize', 4)
  • theme. Set the theme across all components.
    • Values. One of 'light' or 'dark'
    • Example. setConfig('tabSize', 4)
  • precision. Set the numberic precision of numbers. Sets appropriate styling across numbers, dollars, percents, and scientific notation. Used in pandas tables among others.
    • Values. A positive integer.
    • Example. setConfig('precision', 6) // format(3216.12421521521) => 3,216.124215
  • fontSize. Set the font size (in pixels) across components. (react-ace only accepts pixels, which prevents other font size specifications.)
    • Values. A positive value.
    • Example. setConfig('fontSize', 6)
  • all. Merge an object with the config property in the store. This is meant to make it easier for a config file to be loaded from memory. For example, one might store config using configstore on the user's computer then load it back into the store whenever the app opens. See the warning below.
    • Values. An object with (optional) keys [reactJsonView, reactSyntaxHighlighter, reactAce, theme, style, prec]
    • Example. setConfig('all', {...})

Do not try to set config manually using setConfig('all', ...). There are various implementation details that are easy to mix up (e.g. setting the theme involves setting different complex props across different keys). Instead, set individual props via reactAce.*, tabSize, etc.

Probably the only good use of all is to reload a previous config from memory.

There are certain props in each of reactJsonView, reactSyntaxHighlighter, and reactAce that are presumed to be untampered with. For example, theme/style and language. In the current implementation, there is nothing to prevent you from changing these props. However, it will probably not go well.

Default/Initial State

const initialState = {
  serverMsg: [],
  collections: { default: {} },
  config: {
    reactJsonView: {
      iconStyle: "circle",
      indentWidth: 2,
      collapseStringsAfterLength: true,
      enableClipboard: true,
      displayObjectSize: true,
      displayDataTypes: false,
      sortKeys: false,
      validationMessage: "reactJsonView Validation Error",
      theme: syntaxHighlighting.dark.rjv
    reactSyntaxHighlighter: {
      showLineNumbers: false,
      style: syntaxHighlighting.dark.rsl
    reactAce: {
      fontSize: 9,
      highlightActiveLine: false,
      tabSize: 2,
      enableBasicAutocompletion: false,
      enableLiveAutocompletion: false,
      theme: syntaxHighlighting.dark.ace
    theme: "dark",
    style: { tabSize: 2, fontSize: "9px" },
    prec: {
      prec: 4,
      num: "0,0.[0000]",
      pct: "0,0.[0000]%",
      sgn: "+0,0.[0000]",
      usd: "$0,0.[0000]",
      exp: "0.0000e+0"

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