Installing yapij-js

With Wizard

(Coming soon.)


These instructions are geared towards those who are using yapij-js in a development context. Ensuring that your end users are able to easily install and run the package is (unfortunately) another matter.

0. Check for Dependencies

yapij-js requires:

  • node
  • python>=3.5

1. Install the node package

npm i yapij-js

2. Set up a python virtual environment

Now set up a virtual environment that python can run in. It might be a good idea to put this venv some place where it won't accidentally be deleted or published while using npm.


You might use something like C:\Temp:

cd C:\Temp
python -m venv yapijReVenv
cd yapijReVenv


cd /tmp
python3 -m venv yapijReVenv
cd yapijReVenv

3. Download the latest version of yapij-py

Ensure that you are in a shell where the virtualenv is activated. This package is stored on the PyPri system:

pip install yapij-py -i

You may need to install some dependencies:

pip install pyzmq msgpack dill numpy pandas

Make this an automatic install in

4. Update the config file for yapij-js

const {config} = require('yapij-js');

// Path to virtualenv + a name to remember it by
var venv = {path: 'C:\\Temp\\yapijReVenv\\Scripts\\python.exe', name: 'default'};

config.set('python.venvDirs', [venv]);  // Add to list of possible
config.set('python.defaultVenv', venv); // Make it the default

// Information about the python version used.
config.set('python.python', {exec: 'python', v: '3.7'});

// Additional Spawn Commands (if applicable). See:
config.set('spawn', ...)

config.set('installed', true); // Package is now installed (DEPRECATED?)

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